Here I am, with You

Here I am, with You
are you here with me?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Back!

Wow~~It has been a long time since I've even had a moment to strongly consider writing here. It has now come into my awareness that this is a great resource and I'm gonna participate in sharing through this medium more and more.
Thank you for your patience if you've been following, and if you are new here with me, then Welcome! I welcome you, as I welcome myself back.....
It is Seattle. In the Winter. December 1st. As I type those words I suddenly feel the anchor of time, place, and feeling. I am here. Breath. Ok~
How are you? I do wanna know. I realize that this way of communicating (through blog, internet, etc.) can actually be....Intimate.
Did she just say that?! Yes!
So, how are you? Or, Look, how you are!
Even though we are not face to face (let's get past the illusion of separation) we are here together. We can share.
I'll start....
I suppose the best word that comes to mind right now is Anticipatory. I feel like I am anticipating a lot in my life right now.
So much is happening! So much potential in every interaction it seems.
I just moved this last summer to a new place. I live on an Island in Washington called Vashon. I am surrounded by trees, water, and sky. It is quiet.
I live in essentially a one room cabin/studio near friends and am adapting to the simplicity of it all--and of course the certain particularity that living on an Island brings.
The city use to be such a corner stone of my existence. Now, if I wanna go to the city, I gotta get on a boat.
I love it. There's a sense of escape....and sometimes a romantic sense as well.
When I'm tired of the "city vibe" dashing to meet the ferry feels like embracing a friend who's main objective is getting you the hell outta there and taking you home to familiarity and home.
When the city has been good to me and met me with low-key sweetness, sometimes getting on the ferry feels like a too soon farewell from the moments that have transpired among the communities and places I love so much there.
But always, I am at peace when I arrive onto the boat and lean over the edge of the balcony and watch home get closer and closer lulled by the waves and seagull songs.
Life feels connected more somehow by the contrast of where I live and where I go to sometimes work and be with loved ones.
I am blessed.
It is a joy to explore life and all the art that pours through it effortlessly.
So, what about you?


1 comment:

  1. When I get on the ferry to Seattle, followed by the train, then hop on my bike, I feel like I'm making a precarious climb in to a crazy man-made jungle of asphalt, concrete, glass, and steel.

    I'm diving in to the tumultuous flow of the emotions and experiences of hundreds of thousands of people going nowhere, in circles, and towards their dreams.

    Then I drift like a leaf in heavy rapids, until I run out of breath. I jump back on the train and glide on back north where the air is clear and crisp and full of oxygen, where I again hear the birds and the winds, and can appreciate the silence of the trees.

    I lived in that torrent for 7 years. No wonder I was at the edge of my sanity. No wonder I subconsciously knew I needed the peace of the environment of my childhood in order to achieve the next step in my life.
